Australian Postcode, Suburb and Street Name Lookup

Oz Address - Example Lookup Methods

Australian National PostCode Lookup

Enter a PostCode or Part Suburb name.. ..(eg 5069 or gran)

Street Name Lookup

Australian State code .....

.....Choose one of the following methods

enterpart Suburb, part Street.. .. (at least 4 chars of suburb)
or part Street, part Suburb.. .. .. (at least 4 chars of suburb)
or part Street (comma) part Suburb.. .. eg H,Burn
or part Street name only.. .. eg King Wil

.....The following has auto sense of the field size

enter up to 3 chars of street (CR & TAB ok) ....then 1st 4 chars of suburb

.....Allow entering the Corner of 2 Streets

enterpart Suburb, Street A and Street B.. ..corner of.. ..and..